Super Mario Odyssey Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

4. The Camera Is Occasionally Frustrating

Super Mario Odyssey
"While Odyssey does a great job of thinking outside of the 3D platformer box, it doesn’t invent a way to slay all of the genre’s demons. The camera, for instance still causes trouble sometimes, leading you to whiff on a jump or get the wrong angle to see a boss attack coming." - IGN
"Creating a reliable camera for viewing a game which requires acrobatic movement in complex, perilous 3D spaces has always been difficult. The Tokyo EAD games worked around it, first by making the levels spherical, ensuring you always had a decent view, and then by pulling them out into strips and looking down on them from lofty, quasi-isometric angles. Odyssey - in this as in so many things - just shrugs and embraces the chaos. The camera has quirks, it requires a lot of input from the player, and sometimes - rarely, but sometimes - it just can't cope with Mario's exuberant movement and the extreme geometry of the levels, and it lets you down. So it goes. It's worth it." - Eurogamer

No game is perfect, and like so many 3D platformers, Odyssey does suffer with some irritating camera issues on occasion. When things get especially chaotic, manoeuvring the camera into the optimal position can be a little bothersome.

Though most reviews also added that it's a mostly minor quibble and does nothing to diminish the game's legacy as an instant classic, it is nevertheless an area where it could've been tidied up somewhat.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.