Super Nintendo Classic: All 21 SNES Games Announced - Ranked

6. Star Fox

star fox Barrel Roll

Star Fox - otherwise known as Starwing in Europe and Australia for some reason - was the rail shooter that made blocky polygons cool. And while it might look a little... limited for modern fans bred on hyper-realistic graphics, when the game was released in 1993, it was an absolute revelation.

Even despite its seemingly limited aesthetic appeal, the game is effortlessly entertaining: there's no limit to the enjoyment you get from flying around shooting enemies out of the sky. On top of that, the dramatic set-pieces add genuine adrenaline-fuelled thrills, and the ingenious approach to difficulty settings (which charged the player with choosing a route with different levels in lieu of a traditional setting) made for a hugely varied experience.

As an indication of the game's enduring legacy, the phrase "do a barrel roll" has now entered the lexicon of great cultural lines that seem to belong to all of us.


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