Super Nintendo Classic: All 21 SNES Games Announced - Ranked

5. Super Metroid

Super Metroid

Super Metroid is the reason Samus Aram is considered among the very upper eschelons of video game characters. The secretly female star of the Metroid series burst into super stardom with this SNES release, which went big on exploration and encouraged an almost non-linear approach to playing that encouraged back-tracking.

Considering the way modern games hold your hand, Super Metroid's approach to letting the player find their own way is incredibly refreshing, and it's great to think that developers once thought that rage-quitting should only be done through difficulty rather than annoyance.

Super Metroid is a sci-fi masterpiece, complex and beautiful and it deserves to be cherished by another generation of gamers.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.