Super Nintendo Classic: All 21 SNES Games Announced - Ranked

4. Mega Man X

Mega Man X

When you think about it, Mega Man X was a stunning gameplay experience and remains relentlessly playable even now. The fact that Nintendo recognise its importance enough to put it on the Classic suggests they know their apples.

Mega Man had grown somewhat stale on the NES, with six releases in seven years threatening to test the patience of even the most committed fans. But then Mega Man X arrived and completely reinvented the formula without moving entirely away from what made the brand so popular in the first place.

It might not have been as hard as some of the others in the series (though it still has its moments) but it rewards the player with an upgrade system that was almost unprecedented (and a model for many, many copycats in future years). And it's incredibly fun to play still.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.