Tekken 7: 10 Essential Features Every Fan Wants To See
6. Localised Accents/Languages
It's one of those things that as soon as someone points it out, you'll notice it forevermore. Aside from in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, localised accents and languages have not featured in previous titles games, leading to character intros where regardless of where a character is from, they'll still speak whichever language the game has been localised to in that region. We want Kazuya delivering occasional lines in Japanese, Steve Fox dropping a few British slang terms and Paul Phoenix being the American biker-badass we've always seen him as. Although there's been some contention over Producer Katsuhiro Harada engaging fans when they've requested the same voice actors as in the original games, surely with a new generation of consoles it's time to start fresh and get every character completely spot on? Keep Bryan Fury's laugh though, obviously.