Tekken: Every Game Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Tekken 2

Tekken games

Tekken 2 was the sequel that improved on every aspect of the original. Sure, the original's legacy cannot be denied but in a lot of ways, the game felt like a beta. The sequel, on the other hand, felt like a complete product and fully succeeded in what its predecessor was trying to do in the first place. 

For starters, every character from the first game was back in addition to several newcomers. There's Jun Kazama, Lei Wulong, and even animals such as Roger and Alex. And if you thought Heihachi Mishima was an intimidating boss, Tekken 2 allowed us to square off against Kazuya Mishima, the original's protagonist as well as his true form: Devil.

On the technical side, the gameplay was smoother and more responsive. Characters had additional moves to perform and the combo system was more intuitive. For home releases, new modes were added such as Survival Mode and Team Battle Mode which would become mainstays in subsequent entries. 

All in all, Tekken 2 built off where the original left off and surpassed it in every aspect.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.