Terminator Resistance Review
The movement and moment to moment gunplay doesn’t feel quite right as controlling Jacob feels as if you were trying to control a slow, lumbering Terminator. As well as that this is your standard run of the mill left rigger, right trigger shooter so don’t expect anything new here.
And if the faces didn’t look more deadpan than the characters in Fallout 3, then how about mini-games with everyone’s favourite bog-standard lock picking stick twister. Yes, this is straight out of the Fallout and Elder Scroll series. At least when it comes to hacking there are attempts to mix thing up, and by mixing things up, the hacking minigame is just Frogger, but with a pip instead of a frog.
There is a stealth element to Terminator Resistance that in the early going, is quite effective. Seriously, sneaking around a T800 whilst that classic soundtrack is playing was rather cool for a moment. But once the game starts offering up weapons those sweet laser rifles, you might as well terminate everyone you come across.
This is especially the case when you can start to upgrade weapons later on in the game.