The Best Video Game Plot Twist We Never Got To Play

Prey 2
Human Head Studios

The Eurogamer video revealed that one of the late game twists would reveal that Samuels is actually a clone - well, multiple clones. As you're probably aware, in most games the player getting the main character killed in combat isn't considered canon. It's just a fail state, and you'll respawn at a previous point until you finish the level as intended. The failure isn't recognised by the story.

In Prey 2 though, the game was actually going to make those player deaths mean something to the story. It would reveal that every time the player got Samuels killed, they'd actually respawn as one of his clones. Each death was a real death, though the amnesia would mean you wouldn't realise. Every time you died you'd wake back up at his apartment, and in the context of the plot that was a new clone being activated.

This revelation was even supposed to be revealed in a super cool way to the player. While attacking the Sphere, Samuels would stumble into a room made up of nothing but the corpses of his clones. It's a tantalising image to consider, and an amazing way to present this reveal so far into the game, turning your whole play experience on its head. Even if the whole game wasn't all that fun, this would be one of those twists we'd be talking about for years.

Hell, we still are regardless, but there's still one final wrinkle to this story as well, and that's Prey 2's final, final twist...

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