The Best X-Men Games No One Played

1. Was Legends Secretly Better Than MUA?

X-Men Legends 2 Gameplay
Raven Software

Now the zinger. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a beloved title that brought the entire Marvel universe to players' fingertips in 2006, and it was brilliant. A new generation of consoles necessitated an upgrade across the board, with players now able to assemble their own teams spanning Marvel's entire library. Want to recreate the Fantastic Four? You can do that. Want to create your own eclectic mix do-gooders? You can do that too. Only, in this particular instance, is it possible that less may have actually been more?

This isn't to say that MUA isn't great - of course it is. Rather, that the focus on the X-Men in X-Men Legends meant that no particular character felt short-changed. All sort of got their chance to shine, whereas there were huge swathes of the roster in both Ultimate Alliance games that didn't really get to have their own set-piece, or even a compelling reason to be there in the first place.

With the X-Men, it's sort of easier to justify the odd omission. The team's rotating all the time, and in streamlining the experience to hone in on one Marvel property, it could be argued that Legends is just a smidge more detailed than its successors.

One can only imagine what a third Legends game would've looked like, but one would hope with the renewed attention that Ultimate Alliance has received with the release of the third game, that a new one could potentially be on the horizon.

Maybe, in 2019, with the X-Men making a comeback, it might not be as distant a prospect as was once thought.


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.