The Call Of Duty Sequel Activision Needs To Make (But Never Will)

What About Modern Warfare 2?

Call of duty modern warfare

Now, I hear you saying: but Josh, if Infinity Ward makes another Infinite Warfare, that means there won't be a Modern Warfare 2 (another one) for years yet. To that I say, though, does Modern Warfare even need a sequel this quickly?

Part of the appeal of the reboot was that it was the first game in the franchise for years, and Activision surely doesn't want to drive it into the ground for a second time. Even better, for the first time in years the publisher and developers have been able to build a genuinely good platform for content. It's not riddled with toxic microtransactions or pay-to-win weapons like Black Ops has been, and has more content than ever. From gunfight, to regular multiplayer, ground war to spec ops, Warzone to tournaments, there's so many different ways to play that could be supported for a long time to come.

The battle pass system has provided a drip feed of mostly good content in a way that hasn't nickelled and dimed players, while a constant stream of reimagined maps from older MWs alongside brand new ones gives the developers so many options for keeping the multiplayer landscape fresh.

Warzone in particular is supposed to be carrying forward across the games also, meaning players are going to be engaging with a version of MW for years to come anyway.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3