The Division: 11 Things That Must Be Fixed

2. The Flawed Rogue System

In the Dark Zone, the Rogue system is a fantastic idea but one that's supremely flawed. In short, if you open fire on any other player, you'll become a Rogue Agent, whereby your position (and that of your teammates) will be marked on the map by a skull, and other players will be free to kill you without any punishment. The Rogue can either continue to kill assailants and rank up their Rogue status further, or attempt to wait out the cooldown timer at which point they'll lose their Rogue status and return to normal. The problem is that the Rogue system is open to abuse in a number of ways: players can "Rogue bait" by tapping another player with one bullet (which typically won't make you go Rogue) and provoking them into retaliating as they assume it's a "clean kill", causing them to go Rogue themselves and get slaughtered by everyone in sight. Also, some players may deliberately run in front of turrets to make you go Rogue, and it's also possible that, during an intense firefight with NPCs, you may accidentally shoot another player in the crossfire, making you go Rogue instantly and likely resulting in your quick death, losing a ton of rewards as well. Naturally this is a goldmine for trolls who want to make YouTube montages of them forcing other players to turn Rogue, and so it'd probably make sense for the "grace period" to be a little more forgiving. It's a difficult balance to strike, but the current system is far too harsh, especially during large-scale combat. Accidents will happen.
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The Division
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.