The Division: 11 Things That Must Be Fixed

9. Messy Matchmaking

When matchmaking works and you're paired with three players who speak the same language, make good use of comms and are around the same level as you, The Division's multiplayer-driven gameplay can be an absolute blast and vastly superior to just going through the game solo. That said, as with Destiny, the matchmaking could use some work and doesn't seem to be designed with the easiest functionality in mind. For starters, it can take far too long to actually get matched with players who you're compatible with: the fact that you can't preview who you've been matched with means that you have to blindly join a team, sit through the loading screen, check that they're actually playing and not just standing around idle in the Safe House, and then decide whether to stick with them or quit and try again. It can be enormously frustrating when you're paired with players who are too low-level for what you want to do, and the lack of any decent communication with non-mic players makes it hard to tell other players what you want to do unless you're the party leader (where you can set waypoints for everyone else). Also, leaving a party opens up another loading screen and will end up dumping you back out of the instance, usually a fair distance away, rather than just leaving you in the area and allowing you to find another group in the vicinity. It's not at all intuitive and seems fairly sloppy. Sure, it's a complicated system, but with more robust development this could be so much more user-friendly and respectful of our time.
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The Division
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.