The Division: 3 Ups & 6 Downs From The Beta Playthrough

7. Texture Pop Is Everywhere

Another Ubisoft game, another batch of technical issues. For the most part things like character animations not transitioning fluidly or texture pop are always going to appear in some form - even Jonathan Blow's The Witness will throw an extra layer of detail on a background item when it thinks you're not looking. Here though, it's not just background. Chances are within the first few moments of taking to the streets you'll see blurry and muddy textures sticking out from shop signs and adverts, until the game seems to kick back into gear and everything is okay again. As far as the feel of gameplay goes, bugs and glitches haven't been an issue whatsoever. Where in Assassin's Creed it can feel as though you're 'forcing' the game to deal with your many inputs, TD has your character flowing perfectly from one place to the next, mantling, firing, taking cover and more with various very smooth animations.
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