The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

9. Lose The Enemy Scaling

Somewhat of a myth within Bethesda's worlds, the idea of enemy scaling usually revolves around making sure your character is always faced with something of a challenge - preventing obsessive players from grinding in one place, South Park-style before then cakewalking the rest of the game. In Skyrim things were handled a little differently, with certain caves reportedly scaling (and then locking) to whatever level you were when you entered them, allowing the enemies within to provide the requisite challenge. Still, scour any number of forums and you'll find people complaining that this idea wasn't implemented very well in the final game, or that it doesn't exist at all. So instead, a better idea would be to forever have certain parts of the map 'off-limits' in terms of their difficulty, letting a certain creature or area have a reputation within the game's lore forever set to a certain level of difficulty that would really make for bragging rights if a low-level player conquered them. Tackling these hefty creatures later in the game would be a great indication of how far you've come level-wise, and could tap into some Dark Souls-levels of satisfaction when you finally take them down. It might be something of a step back for general game design considering the potentially great idea of individual character-scaling set previously, but it's worth sacrificing that for a better sense of overall progression as you spend more time levelling up throughout.
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