The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

8. Combat Needs A Complete Overhaul

Although the combat in Bethesda's games in general over the last few years has been a little spotty (Fallout was scarcely played as an FPS, more an action-RPG with FPS elements), Skyrim's up close n' personal melee attacks rarely feel like they connect with the right level of impact. The likes of the slow-motion camera cutaways went a little way to letting you somewhat revel in what it looks like when a two-handed sword the size of a small car meets the body of a tiny goblin-like Falmer, but nearly every encounter can be won by simply bashing the attack button and healing whenever your life gets too low. For larger creatures or something like a certain region's royal guard, there should be specific 'tells' you can watch out for when facing them, not to mention tying in the animation point from earlier, it gives options for attacks you might need to charge or wind up, making sure you connect at just the right moment for maximum damage. At the minute melee combat in these games feels like two parties just firing off animations at each other, rather than anything resembling an actual duel.
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