The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

7. Lose The 'Over-Encumbered' Stat

Forever a talking point that divides fans, there are those that wish for the idea of being 'over-encumbered' (carrying too many items to move fast) to stay as it's a signature Elder Scrolls feature that forces you to manage your inventory better, versus those who forever see it as a bane when thinking about going off on a random adventure. In the end this idea of putting a limit on your inventory space really doesn't work when part of the game's design and appeal is routed in exploration, and even if that means giving followers or your steed whatever you've found (or getting a spell to allay the stat altogether) with the idea being that things would turn up in your house later, it'd go a long way to solving the problem. As much as hardcore role-players love in-world realism of not being able to juggle a handful of spears and dragon bones all at the same time, there has to be a balance for newcomers considering how large the series has become, and let's face it - not being able to take home the riches of your most recent quest always just straight-up sucks.
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