The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

6. Make Dragon (Big Bad Random Boss) Fights Enjoyable Every Time

It would be heresy to say the dragon fights in Skyrim 'weren't all that' - they very much were, and a bag of flame-tinged potato chips - but all the same, did you really evolve your playing style over the course of the game to tackle them better? Chances are once you got over the spectacle of reliving your own personal 'Gandalf/Balrog moment', it was business as usual in terms of dodging their life-sapping breath attacks and wading in with your weapon in between. Tying into the aforementioned points about animation and enemy scaling, if you get set upon by something like a dragon (or whatever hulking beast looks set to have your hairline for breakfast in TES VI) there should be more to felling them than just doing the dodge n' stab-dance throughout. The clashing of spear-like teeth on shield should be a block well earned, and the counter-attack should be something that makes or breaks the fight in a constantly-shifting pendulum swing of a duel, not a mad scramble to find cover in a screen-covering attack that'll toast you to cinders in seconds like in the past.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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