The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

5. Proper Cutscenes

Something any majorly narrative-focussed game tends to have are properly shot and directed cutscenes, although taking a page out of Half-Life's book, TES has forever let dialogue exchanges and animations play out whilst you retained your first-person view - albeit leaving you free to wander around on occasion. This does play into the more off-kilter humour the series has become known for, where you can leap aboard someone's lap in the middle of the King's court as they things are addressed, or insist on walking around with a handful of eyes tracking your every move. Cinematic cutscenes would help immensely with both the main questline in the game getting the requisite weight it deserves, establishing a string of memorable characters throughout. It's definitely novel to ensure the viewpoint stays wherever you left it as things unfold like before, but you can't deny that with the appropriate care given to proceedings it would elevate the entire experience into far better territory.
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