The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Essential Things It Must Learn From Skyrim

3. Better HUD Help With Enemies

So picture the scene; you're slowly creeping up on a mountainside encampment, bow strained and at the ready as you scout out what enemy forces appear to be walking around... Creeping forward ever-slowly you make a mental note of what looks to be a patrol pattern (it's not) for a particularly easily-targeted skeleton, only for a random arrow to skewer you from afar, as another creature has become alerted to your presence, lobbing a bolt your way as a rather timely 'Hello'. You've probably been through this if you play anything of a ranged character, and even if not, Skyrim's way of presenting enemies as red dots - regardless of height, size or relation to you - on the overhead bar is obfuscating to say the least. More often than not fights dissolve into scarpering behind rocks or foliage as you have to just assume whether or not you're within someone's cone of vision after being alerted, realising an enemy is closing in on you if their blip starts behaving more erratically. Of all franchises, Elder Scrolls needs to take a page out of Far Cry's book and twin established patrol patterns and visual cones for the A.I. with a tagging system of sorts so you can track where enemies are as you head in. Even if this was made spell-dependant, it's an essential feature that would improve the ease of tackling outposts and areas from afar tenfold.
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Gaming Editor

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