The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Perfect Locations Fans Haven't Considered

5. Skyrim (In A Different Time)

Skyrim 2011

Now you might be thinking €œbut we already saw all of what Skyrim had to offer in the last game, why would we want to go back?€ Well, while at first it seems like an odd proposition, returning to Skyrim in Elder Scrolls VI actually might not be such a bad idea.

The Elder Scrolls series isn€™t exactly known for its continuity between games €“ there are gaps of hundreds of years between titles. So it€™d be cool to see Bethesda breaking that mould and making something like a direct sequel, picking up where Skyrim left off, which hasn€™t really been previously seen in the series.

This would also mean that each player€™s world could potentially be customised by their Skyrim save file, like how Dragon Age Inquisition did it €“ for example, your allegiance in the civil war, your relations with the various factions, your race and even your divine alignments could all determine exactly how Skyrim was affected by the Dragon Crisis, and just what sort of world has been born as a result.

Obviously, Bethesda would have to innovate somewhat and make sure that we weren€™t just playing Skyrim again (although that wouldn€™t necessarily be such a bad thing), but there€™s a lot of potential for Skyrim to be revisited €“ if not in the next game, then at some point in the future.


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