The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Perfect Locations Fans Haven't Considered

2. Sovngarde (And Other Afterlifes)

sovngarde skyrim

Sovngarde is the Nordic afterlife, where members of the Nord race eat, drink and be merry for eternity with their ancestors after they die. It€™s basically Valhalla €“ so setting Elder Scrolls VI there would be awesome, but would also be a huge curveball.

There€™s a couple of interesting factors that set Sovngarde apart from other potential locations. Firstly, because it€™s the afterlife, there€™s no reason we couldn€™t see famous or memorable Nords from history popping up here and there €“ hell, why not have a few of them as followers? Being able to enter combat and duel with with the greatest Nord fighters in history is a really interesting concept €“ especially because €œheavenly€ enemies would undoubtedly be pretty tough to deal with.

Second, even if the main location is Sovngarde, there€™s no reason that the major plot couldn€™t involve other race€™s realms as well €“ the Great Hunt, for example. For example, imagine a madness descending over the various afterlifes, driving the heroes of the respective races mad and threatening an eternal darkness €“ that€™s a pretty awesome potential storyline, if I do say so myself.

Plus, Sovngarde is just so pretty €“ it was one of the most gorgeous environments in Skyrim. I€™m not sure many would complain about spending more time there.


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