The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Can't Afford To Get Wrong

7. A More Interesting Main Quest Line

Elder Scrolls games are famed for being positively packed with things to do, so much so that fans will often boast about having spent hundreds of hours in the game without even touching the main quest line. Of course, this begs the question; why are they avoiding the thing that you should probably dedicate the most time to? Of all the quests in the game, surely the main quest is the most rewarding; or at least, isn€™t it meant to be? Unfortunately, that doesn€™t seem to be the case. Both Oblivion and Skyrim essentially retell the same basic story, with only a few minor alterations between the two. Which wouldn€™t be a problem if that story happened to be a good one. It isn€™t. In both cases, you spend the entire time running errands and gathering intel for The Blades, clearing out dungeons and generally killing time before the interesting stuff at the very end. Another problem with the main quests of Oblivion and Skyrim is that they don€™t affect the world in interesting ways. Once Mehrunes Dagon and Alduin have been defeated, nothing changes; everything looks identical to when you started, as if none of it really mattered.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.