The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Can't Afford To Get Wrong

6. Guilds

Unlike the underwhelming main quest lines, Guilds are usually the highlight of an Elder Scrolls game. Some of the most interesting and thought-provoking quests can be found as part of the Dark Brotherhood, or the Mage€™s Guild, and likewise, some of the best, most memorable characters in the games tend to be guild members. Who could forget Lucien Lachance and Astrid, or the bold leader of The Companions, Kodlak Whitemane? If Elder Scrolls VI plans to continue this legacy, hopefully we€™ll see an ever greater focus on guild quest lines. Maybe a few new ones, or just some options within the guilds themselves, such as greater customisation options for once you€™ve become leader, or a recruitment mechanic that allows you to build your own team and modify their skill sets.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.