The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Can't Afford To Get Wrong

5. The Player Doesn€™t Have To Be At The Centre Of Everything

Speaking of guilds and main quest lines, someone should really tell Bethesda that not everything has to revolve around the player. Of course, I€™m not suggesting that the player shouldn€™t be the hero, or that the player€™s investment in the plot should be limited; I€™m just saying that it€™s pretty ridiculous how significant the player is to the world of the game. Not only are we prophesised to defeat Alduin and save Skyrim as the legendary Dovahkiin, but it turns out that we€™re also the fabled Listener, hand chosen by the Night Mother herself, and the Arch-Mage at the College of Winterhold. In fact, at times, it feels like every quest line ends with the player becoming the top dog, fulfilling some kind of prophecy of greatness along the way. Bethesda, either tone down the constant foreshadowing, or find a way to write a story that doesn€™t entirely revolve around the actions of a single individual. I mean, I understand that it€™s part of the appeal to some degree, but a person who€™s constantly being told that he€™s special doesn€™t end up feeling all that special. It€™s overkill.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.