The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Can't Afford To Get Wrong

4. No Game-Breaking Bugs/Glitches

For some people, game breaking bugs and glitches aren€™t too much of a problem, mainly because they know that Bethesda will eventually get around the patching them. But, is that really good enough? I mean, if you buy a product, that product should work. Putting out a broken game knowingly is quite an unethical thing to do; yet, for reasons unknown, Bethesda are one of the only studios to get a free pass. Don€™t get me wrong, small graphical glitches can be quite amusing in small doses; game breaking bugs are a lot less fun, however. They can ruin an experience, force players to restart their games, or just break their immersion. In fact, now that Steam has introduced refunds, Bethesda€™s shoddy workmanship may no longer fly.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.