The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Can't Afford To Get Wrong

3. More Varied Dungeons

Considering the amount of dungeons that Elder Scrolls games expect you to explore, you€™d expect the experience to be more varied. Skyrim made some improvements in this area, but even that game just couldn€™t improve the dungeon crawling in a meaningful way. As I mentioned earlier, better puzzles would be a welcomed addition, but even that wouldn€™t quite be enough. No, what Elder Scrolls VI really needs is some variation, which might be quite difficult considering the size of the game. One idea would be to make dungeons procedurally generated, which would certainly add to the replayability of the games. If that idea doesn€™t appeal, Bethesda should focus their attention of a handful of special dungeons that are given more attention that the rest, so at least some of the dungeons will have their own personalities.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.