The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Must Include

2. Increased Survival Aspects (An Optional Game Mode?)

Skyrim Frostfall
Nexus Mods

As has became imminently clear this decade, we love a good ol' survival game. The Long Dark, Don't Starve, Skyrim's beloved Frostfall mod - even Fallout 4 saw Bethesda release an official Survival Mode add-on post-launch.

Indeed, when done well, elements like watching your temperature, topping off a few meters and finding shelter in a storm can aid tenfold in immersion, but they've got to be done well.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild also had this sort of stuff, but not to the point where it became a distraction, a la GTA: San Andreas or No Man's Sky (to highlight some cross-spectrum examples).

For a TES game to ship with survival aspects as part of the base experience, Bethesda would have to nail the balance of having core ingredients and items in the world, without then feeling as though there was no challenge.

Such a mode would most likely be optional, but speaks to the explorative mindset we all have when playing these games anyway. Which is to say, if we're going to scale that biggest mountain or forage into the wilderness, making it out alive should feel like a real accomplishment.

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