The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Must Include

3. Mod Support In A VERY Specific Way

Skyrim Windfall

How does a developer continue to create authored content with a price tag when there are hundreds of people doing their job for them?

By integrating it INTO the game, rather than have it replace the 'official' stuff.

Right now we've seen Bethesda take the shackles off mod support on consoles - both the PS4 and Xbox One support them, and even though the PS4 was crippled by Sony not allowing anything other than the game's assets to be modified (so no new areas or characters), there's still a ton of stuff out there to expand your experience.

For TES VI, first of all get Sony to stop being so... Sony, and across the board, allow specific types of fan-designed expanses or missions to be part of the overall progression.

It'd be entirely doable for the player to take a contract and hop on a boat, triggering one of many fan-designed worlds or islands. With specific rules in place as to what's needed (designing an island, castle, mini township with a handful of questgivers) and an approval process on Bethesda's part, this seems like a somewhat natural extension of where we're at right now.

Bethesda danced around and finally implemented the idea of paid mods before, though with a system of uploads, verifications and communal interaction, it'd finally be a way for the thriving fanbase to literally be a part of the official TES experience.

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