The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things Bethesda Must Include

8. Overhaul Combat (100% Block, Dodge Button & More)

skyrim combat

Answers in the comments as to just how tactile and less 'flail-y' you'd like TES combat to be overall, but for now let's think about things that could touch up the core, identifiable feel of gameplay, rather than upending everything and potentially losing that part of the franchise's identity.

First up, make blocking absorb 100% of damage. It's something that in past games has related to specific shields, as only when you unlock better ones, can you defend reliably. There's an animation-dependency to TES' combat that not only means you can't ready your shield until some weapon swings have finished, but many don't actually block the attack outright either.

Having a dedicated, responsive block button would somewhat encourage wading in and swinging at foes with reckless abandon, knowing you can get back on the defensive whenever necessary.

Furthermore, give us limb targeting, or enemies that react to being hit in the arm or leg, affecting their speed and perhaps dropping weapons. Dual-wielders should be able to parry too as a direct fix from Skyrim, and for the love of Akatosh, give us a dedicated dodge button.

Skyrim let you unlock a dodge-roll as a mid-level perk, but it's simply a key part of any melee-based game, and needs to be a set standard.

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