The Elder Scrolls VI Wishlist: 10 Essential Things Fans Demand

2. No Bugs

Is it possible for a game to release in the modern era and be completely bug-free? Both Metal Gear Solid V and Batman: Arkham Knight seem to be holding steady at least on consoles, but across the board this has been the worst generation yet for consistently shoddy products. Ironically, Bethesda used to have a reputation for exactly this - birthing the term 'Bethesda jank' in reference to how NPCs would fall through the world, quest triggers might not activate, animations would freak out and animals especially could warp through one another. It was pretty much just the price we collectively paid to get a game with such staggering scope, but as hardware has evolved and the populace en masse are sick of seeing incomplete games on store shelves more than ever, it would be pretty incredible to look at something the size of what TES VI will be, and champion Bethesda for pulling it off without a hitch.
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