The Last Of Us 2: 10 Believable Plot Theories You Need To Know

7. Ellie Is Hiding Her Immunity, Even From Dina

Last of us 2

In a world as dangerous as that in The Last of Us, immunity to the deadly infection is something many would want to keep to themselves. It seems like Ellie has done just that as she took up residence in Tommy’s community.

With her spreading tattoo likely used to cover her gruesome scar, Ellie has hidden her biggest secret from even those closest to her. In the unedited gameplay released, Ellie is seen sneaking her way through the infected alongside best friend Dina, yet one thing sticks out:

She is wearing a gas mask to shield her lungs from the fungal spores.

Players will recall that Ellie was able to survive even the densest fogs of the spores in the previous instalment, so to wear a mask in front of Dina indicates that she is really playing her cards close to her chest.

Whether we see immunity play an integral part in this revengeful tale is yet to be seen, but it may come of interest to the merciless Seraphites.


Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.