The Last Of Us Part 2: 10 Major Details You Missed In The New Trailer

10. The New Infected Enemies (And Dogs)

The Last of Us 2

With a new game comes a whole new set of enemies, and from this one trailer alone it's clear that Naughty Dog aren't resting on their laurels. While the staples established in the previous game have already been confirmed to return - including a variety of infected and bandit-type humans - they're being joined by a wider array of threats than ever before.

The footage showed a quick glimpse of a new stage of the infected, teasing an enemy mutated more than ever before. Whether this new creature ties into the plot - perhaps after so long, the virus itself is continuing to evolve and grow deadlier - or not, it will add even more variety to the gameplay.

Dogs were also shown attacking Ellie, suggesting that wildlife - or at the very least, trained animals - will be a threat this time around. You didn't really encounter any dangerous animals out in the wild in the first game, but it would go a long way in further emphasising how dangerous this world is.

Likewise, hopefully there'll be more interaction between human enemies and the infected, with the freedom for players to exploit these two being in the same battle.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3