The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Most Disappointing Boss Battles
1. The Imprisoned - Skyward Sword

The only thing worse than fighting a frustrating boss is to fight repeatedly. During these battles, The Imprisoned slowly ascends a spiralling mountain. If he reaches the top, the player receive an Instant Game Over.
To stop The Imprisoned's ascent, you need to hack his toes off while dodging the shockwaves he produces with every step. (Avoiding the shockwaves is excruciating since you can't voluntarily jump.)
When he stumbles over, you need to slice the pillar on his forehead repeatedly to defeat him. If you don't hit it before The Imprisoned rises, you have to do it ALL over again. Sometimes, he falls at such an awkward angle, you can't reach the pillar, making the entire process of knocking him over a complete waste of time.
If this was the only time you face The Imprisoned, it would still be the worst boss in the game. But you have to fight him two more times!! The second and third encounter are more frustrating since The Imprisoned now has arms, which he can use to climb the mountain much faster.
Because you are constantly on a timer facing this guy, the player can't relax, making the experience far from enjoyable.
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