The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Most Disappointing Boss Battles

9. Gyorg - Majora's Mask

Gyorg Legend of Zelda

The gargantuan fish, Gyorg, can be summarised in one word; tedious. His main attack is to charge into the platform you're standing on, knocking you into the water. You have seconds to get back onto the surface before he sinks his teeth into you.

Falling into the water is frustrating as the camera swings around so it's hard to tell where you are or where to go. Since you can't adjust the camera, you have to pray for dear life you are moving in the right direction.

If Gyorg chows down on you, he'll take a sizeable chunk off your lifebar. After the overgrown piranha has you locked between his jaws, he'll flail around for about ten seconds before hurling you across the room.

When you've seen this same animation three or four times, you want to beat Gyorg as quickly as possible because you're just not enjoying the fight.

Nintendo were aware of the amount of criticism Gyorg received and so, made his attacks far more diverse when the game was remade for the 3DS. You know a boss is bad when the company have to change it for the remake because he's so annoying!


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