The Order: 1886 - 10 Reasons You Need To Play It

2. The Story & The Flow

The Order: 1886 - Gameplay Still 10 The overarching story is very well plotted; it's hard to see things coming and occasionally you're left questioning the motives of some of the characters. The explosive opening sequence is more than enough to oil the story to it's ultimate outcome. The flow of the story is also something worthy of a mention. The game tells you as much as you need to know, nothing more, nothing less. There's no big cheesy slab of exposition that usually comes with alternate history titles, there's no other London; To this story, alternate London IS London. That's just how it is. No references, no cheesy winks to camera, nothing. The nearest comparison to how well the narrative works in the environment is Robert Harris' 'Fatherland'. The biggest thing to note about the story though, is that given the ground that is covered and the genres and themes that the game touches upon, it avoids cliché incredibly well, which is more than can be said for 90% of the crap that litters the floor labelled 'werewolf fiction'.
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Newcastle based filmmaker with a taste for world cinema, loud music, and good beer. Green Bay Packers fan.