The Outer Worlds: 10 Ways It's Already Better That Fallout 4

6. Improved Companions

Outer Worlds

Companions in Bethesda titles often don't really get much character development. However, from what's been shown of The Outer Worlds, it looks like companions are going to matter more than ever.

They seem to have a much bigger presence and personality during dialogue with other NPCs. Of those we've seen so far, Felix seems the most ready to chime in with any sort of quip or self-indulgent aside, whilst Nyoka's sense of injustice in the world makes her the perfect replacement for anyone who misses travelling the Commonwealth with Piper just a little bit too much.

Your Outer Worlds companions also now have triggerable abilities, giving them just a little bit more to do in combat than act as mere bullet-sponges. Moreover, if you fancy popping more of your skill points into being a "Leader", your companions will function way more effectively in combat and you'll receive more of your buffs through them, allowing you to wander around with your own personalised hit-squad.

Companions in Bethesda's games are more often than not relegated solely to carrying more of your stuff, but it looks like you'll need to pay them far more attention if Obsidian have their way.


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