The Outer Worlds: 10 Ways It's Already Better That Fallout 4

5. Better Writing

Outer Worlds

Better dialogue is only possible because, as we know, Obsidian know how to write a good narrative. After the absence of NPCs in Fallout 76 and the relatively small group of memorable side-quests in Fallout 4, Obsidian's focus on narratives both big and small is set to ensure that any player interaction will be engaging and entertaining.

Gameplay footage has shown conversations from both side-quests and random NPC interactions, and even the most bland of city guards seems to have more than three lines of dialogue both of which seem to strike a perfect satirical balance between the bleak alternative vision of a world controlled by megacorporations and the ludicrous comic interludes that are sure to mark out Halcyon as a unique, engaging place to explore. Jokes land when they show up, which is an encouraging thing to see.

Obviously, information on the central storyline of this new IP is very scant, but it seems at the very least that Obsidian are going to stay true to what it is they do best. That is, a player-driven narrative with lots of information to learn, with factions to join and a branching storyline that will react to players' actions.


Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now!