The Sims 4: 10 Past Features EA Should’ve Never Taken Out

9. Dynamic Story Progression For Other Sims

The Sims 4 neighborhoods
Electronic Arts

In The Sims 3, you had an awesome and unpredictable story progression that meant certain Sims not actively being controlled by the player would have children, move away, make enemies and even die.

In The Sims 4 however, this feature is completely missing. The only thing that seems to happen with unplayed Sims is that they get older. Whoop-dee-do.

Granted, many players didn't like the story progression in previous Sims games as it would mess around with their families and make things happen that they really didn't want in the first place (for example couples would get divorced or children would grow up and move out) making it difficult for players to return their Sims to normal.

What would have been nice in the new game is the option to either turn it on or off, depending on how you would like your Sims to live their lives while you weren't around... simply giving or taking away this brilliant aspect of free will that made the world come alive so much more.


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