The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff: What You Need To Know

Becoming A Medium

The sims 4

To explore this new pack, I created the Badams' Family - using mostly Paranormal stuff and in keeping with the 70s aesthetic that the pack creates (available on the Gallery, if you're feeling too lazy to make your own). This family consists of mom and dad Gretchen and Chaz, moody teenager Sunday, Tyler the kid and Olivia, a toddler. Sunday, of course, is just your regular occult obsessed teen, and immediately got to work on the séance table while mom and dad dealt with the Welcome Wagon.

Sunday Badams took to the new Medium skill like an Eldritch abomination to water, especially as it can be used from ages child to elder. We all know the creepiest of crawlers can just be 10 year old kids, so it's nice to see them get included more often.

To start, use the Séance table. At level 1, your Sim can Commune with the Departed and Sense Spiritual Volatility (aka how haunted the current lot is.) Communing with the Departed gives partaking Sims a 2 hour emotional moodlet depending on what the ghosts say. A notification in the top right will let you know what the ghosts had said specifically, and frankly some of these are well worth a read. The writer for this pack had a field day with meta jokes and current meme culture. Sure, some of the gags might be outdated soon, but they're pretty funny for now.

By Medium level 2, you can rope others sims into your long distance phone calls with Casper. Level 3 gives you the ability to Invoke the Dead and summon the legendary Bonehilda. At level 4 Medium, the Sim can perform a Ghastly Ritual which temporarily turned them into a ghost. And finally, at max level 5 the Sim can create a séance circle anywhere in the world - which is very handy for the Paranormal Investigator career.

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Megan Robb has a lot of opinions on a lot of stuff, but feels deeply uncomfortable referring to herself in the third person.