The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff: What You Need To Know

Introducing The Test Dummies

the sims 4

The Badams' were scared as soon as they moved in due to a ferocious thunderstorm. The new Scared emotion adds some interactions, such as panicked poop and hiding under bedsheets. If they become terrified, the Sims panic and briefly stop being able to do anything but be afraid.

The new animations for their walk cycles and idle animations are very nicely done - smooth and entertaining, they add some spice to the regular cycle of happy/angry/tense. It's fairly easy to get rid of the Scared emotion by hiding under some bedsheets or talking to your fellow Sims. If it gets really bad, there are also some candles available to craft with specific ghostly ingredients or purchase from the rewards store for 500 points.

From here, the Badams' Family's story begins - over the next 7 days they settled into their haunted home with help from some unusual friends. If you don't want the main 'plot', if you can really call it that, of living in a haunted house to be spoiled you should probably skip to the end here. The first 7 days of the Badams' new lives are documented for those who want to know what they're getting into before buying the pack.

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The Sims 4
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Megan Robb has a lot of opinions on a lot of stuff, but feels deeply uncomfortable referring to herself in the third person.