The Wars Of Gears Of War EXPLAINED

What Lead To Emergence day

Gears of War Locust

Once leaving Mount Kadar for the Hollow, war wasn’t the first thing on the Locust’s mind.

Being particularly affected by certain levels of light, the Locust preferred to live underground, and built vast cities of their own. Myrrah became a Queen of her people and led them for seven years before the war broke out with the leftover humans on the surface.

Two years before Emergence Day, Queen Myrrah would seek the help of a human scientist known as Adam Fenix. Marcus' father, Adam fought in the Pendulum Wars for many years on a variety of fronts, but when the opportunity came to trade in his armour for a lab coat, he took it.

Fenix endeavoured to help Myrrah as her Locust were experiencing "Lambency" - an infection mutating their already altered bodies. Because the creatures were so uniquely tied to Imulsion though, Adam failed to come up with a solution that wouldn’t in turn, kill the Locust in the process.

In a desperate bid to escape the Hollow, the Locust had no choice, but to erupt up through the planet surface and attack the humans. This wasn’t a war of conquest, like the Pendulum War prior, instead it was a way for Myrrah to escape the Imulsion consuming her people.

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Gears 5
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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.