The Wars Of Gears Of War EXPLAINED

The Locust War

Gears of War Delta

Just six weeks after the Pendulum War had finally ended and both the COG and UIR laid down their weapons in the bloodiest conflict to date, Emergence Day was right around the corner.

Kicking humanity while it was down was an understatement.

Humanity would be shattered and the remains would be divided into the COG's ranks, which went head first to combat the Locust, plus UIR holdouts which were in no state to fight and finally the Stranded - everyone pitched in. The latter were humans sick of fighting and were trying to live under a new ruling.

Eventually, the COG would conscript anyone that could stand and hold a weapon to their cause. A notable fan favourite for this author is Dizzy Wallin.

COG weapons such as the Lightmass Missile and Lightmass Bomb would fail to bring down the Locust as each side became weaker throughout the years that followed. Not even the war hero Marcus Fenix - along with his team of Dom, Cole Train and Baird - were having much of an impact. They just kept coming.

Cities would be covered in darkness due to Kryllstoms led by General RAAM, whilst another Locust leader Skorge, sank entire cities with giant Riftworms. It was a stalemate of epic proportions and even though the COG were outmatched, they kept holding on until the real threat emerged.

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Gears 5
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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.