The Witcher 4: 10 Ways To Blow Wild Hunt Out Of The Water

1. Greater Armour Customisation

The witcher 3 geralt

Indeed, if armour designs are the mark of an accomplished Witcher, then let us take more pride in our appearance. Wild Hunt gave multiple iterations of these armour sets - including an additional tier through DLC - but aside from the colourations offered from the Blood & Wine tailor in Beauclair Port, there wasn't much more you could change.

Going forward, let us assemble a defined 'look' from a variety of gloves, pants, chest, arm pieces etc., all of which can be mixed and matched, colour-changed and adorned with whichever buckles, leather straps and School-specific emblems of our choosing.

Wild Hunt's offerings were certainly robust and much appreciated, but say we're going down the custom protagonist route, let's open up all possible designs and start cross-pollinating to our heart's content.


How would you approach a Witcher 4? Let us know in the comments!

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