Titanfall 2: 10 Key Things It Needs To Get Right

2. It Must Stay True To Its Roots

Titanfall 2

Since the first Titanfall dropped, there has been two Call of Duty games and a new Halo (not counting the Master Chief Collection), to which you could make a strong argument they took some gameplay elements from Titanfall.

Titanfall 2 needs to ignore absolutely everything that those games have done - do not take a thing. Titanfall was unique, it had its own pace and at the time, a brand new style of gameplay. Titanfall 2 needs to keep that feel, it should not try and make the game faster, there should be no addition of kill-streaks or point-streaks or any type of ordinance.

A lot of Halo fans hated Halo 5 because they thought it took too much from Call of Duty and played nothing like the series they'd grown to love. This will only be the second game of the series, so keeping the feel and establishing itself as a separate FPS from all other games is extremely important.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.