Tomb Raider: Ranking Every Game Worst To Best

2. Tomb Raider 2

Tomb raider underworld

Who could ever forget the joyous rebelliousness we all felt when locking that poor pediatric butler in Croft Manor's freezer? Only to leave him there and not come back later on as he's presumed to be dead at this point, especially if you still have an old memory card from 1997 with a save file for this very game on there.

Pensioner homicide aside, Tomb Raider 2 was essentially the THPS 2 to its original counterpart, before either of those even existed.

It built extensively on what made it so popular beforehand, adding a fully explorable version of Croft Manor - as opposed to the three rooms in the original - generating all-round better graphics and more fluid controls for everything from textures to characters, to assets and improving the action oriented set pieces and creating more inventive puzzles didn't hurt its critical appraisal either.

The only destitution that Tomb Raider 2 has against its name is that it simply will not transcend time, as in 2021, it looks and plays extremely dated in comparison to what is available on the market currently, both for Tomb Raider games and inspired franchises such as Uncharted and Just Cause.

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Tomb Raider
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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: