10 Games That Will Confuse Your Friends And Family

8. Mother (Series)

NintendoNintendoEven if your friends don€™t play RPGs€”particularly JRPGs€”they may have a general idea of what they look like. These images usually consist of long hair, impractical weaponry, fantasy settings and turn-based gameplay. While many RPGs have since tried modern settings, the Mother series stood out for it at the time. The Mother series isn€™t just weird because it looks like Charlie Brown meets Dragon Quest. Mother is bizarre because those cute graphics and funny dialogue mask true evil. In Earthbound, Ness cannot pass onto the next town until he fights the cops. In Mother 3, Salsa the monkey is constantly tortured by his master. If your loved ones take the time to read some of the strangely compelling dialogue, they might noticed how messed up this game is. If after some time they walk in on you fighting Giygas, they won€™t even recognize the game anymore. That€™s how scary the final boss of Earthbound is, and that game was released in the states a long time ago. It was recently released on the Wii U, however. It might be the perfect time to weird out your friends.
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Garrett is a technical writer by day and a freelance writer by night. When he's not thinking about popular culture he is either...no wait, he's always thinking about popular culture.