10 Games That Will Confuse Your Friends And Family

7. Catherine

CatherineAtlusCatherine was already weird to even Atlus€™ fans. The RPG is the company's specialty; many of which also have elements from dating-sims. That€™s actually not a bad idea, considering that RPGs are dialogue-driven anyway. But what about a game that€™s essentially a nightmarish, erotic version of a game from the golden age of arcades? Now that€™s weird. Main protagonist Vincent has been dating Katherine for five years, but he€™s unsure about commitment. Coincidentally, news reports tell stories of men dying in their sleep--all of them guilty of cheating on their spouses. Unfortunately for Vincent, he runs into another Catherine with whom he must choose whether or not to leave the other one for. And of course, this means he has to deal with this difficult choice while surviving night after night in Q-Bert€™s version of hell. While the game is definitely not Q-Bert, it may look like it to a lot of people who enjoyed the game. It€™s certainly a design that is uncommon in today€™s video games; however, regardless of how you take to Catherine€™s puzzle-survival gameplay, things get weird. Monsters take normal fears of commitment and turn them into nightmarish creatures. Not to mention, if your loved ones pick up and examine one of the two erotic covers of the game, then you might have some explaining to do.
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Garrett is a technical writer by day and a freelance writer by night. When he's not thinking about popular culture he is either...no wait, he's always thinking about popular culture.