10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

8. Flatline - Blood Money

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Io Interactive

The hapless Agent Smith has been captured by the bad guys countless times in the series, and in Blood Money you'll be liberating him once again. Problem is, he's been sent to a dodgy rehab clinic and has been both locked up and drugged by the orderlies. The only way to get him out is to “kill” him with a fake death serum. 

After that boring task is done, the target is distinguished, but two optional targets are revealed as well when the first objective is completed; the main man varies between the three. Problem is, you can whack all three of the malicious mobsters before liberating the agent if you've played it before.

Besides, most of them can be killed flawlessly without too much hassle. Once you figure out a chandelier can be dropped, gas can be tampered with and dumbbells can be dropped on them, you can literally breeze through this tedious babysitting mission

Even the supposed 'big secret' behind the facility wasn't too freaky or shocking, like something out of the very dark and disturbing Hitman: Contracts – remember The Meat King's Party, where a girl was chopped to bits with her eyes gouged out in a meat packing plant, where a freaky fetish party is also taking place? Yeah... something like that. Talk about a missed opportunity.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.