10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

7. Welcome To Hope - Absolution

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IO Interactive

Trips to the local pub aren't usually this short and forgettable. The silent assassin enters the Great Balls of Fire for information, and the level can literally be completed in mere minutes. 

Chatting menacingly to the bartender is not much of a challenging objective, compared to killing a bad guy and hiding the corpse so no one can stumble across it. 

Slipping through the vent, dressing up as a copper, or causing a bar fight are all viable options to get the job done, but there's little to no satisfaction in doing so. It could have been replaced with a simple cut-scene of 47 bobbing and weaving through crowds of big, burly truckers before finally reaching the bartender, and no player would have mourned the fact that they were never given the chance to do it themselves.

If you're bored out of your brains in this one, you can steal a shotgun and blast everyone down in your way, even though it's one of the least sneakiest things to do. But at least it's more amusing than the level itself.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.