10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

2. The Setup - Codename 47

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IO Interactive

Time for the first game to unveil its big twist, but first, 47 must play doctor and find some medicine for the captive Agent Smith and whack a real doctor, who reveals the coppers are on his way and the entire game was a series of set-ups. Shock, horror and all that. 

Anyway, this mission really isn't too difficult, or fun, or engaging. It's a simple fetch quest with a single, defenceless target to throttle and some trigger-happy SWAT teams you might carelessly bump into if you're not too careful.

The asylum is full of drooling patients who mutter gibberish as they wander around aimlessly. Just when you thought the voice acting in the game wasn't already laughably terrible, talking to these dudes will make you squirm. Some patients can help 47 with hints if you commence a series of complex tasks and assassinations... Oh no, it's just more fetch quests. Never mind.

In fact, if you want to skip this stinker and go to the trigger-happy final boss, go to the lift, choose a floor, then quickly run out as the door closes. Call for the lift again, and hey presto, that's about 15 minutes of your time saved.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.